

Isaac Status: Available

ID: 37751

Name: Isaac

Breed: Cocker Spaniel

Age: 7 Years

Gender: Male

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: In Foster in
Romsey , Hampshire

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

15-10-2023 Very sadly Isaac was returned after a short adoption as he needs a home where there is more than one dog so we are looking for an experienced home where there is two or more resident dogs.  He originally arrived with us a very frightened boy who was worred about about being touched but he went to a foster home and they very kindly took him back and will continue to help Isaac adjust to life in a home.
Isaac walks well on the lead and does seem to really enjoy being out walking. He loves all the new smells and getting involved with whatever other dogs are doing and tries to play with every dog he meets!  It was a wonderful sight last week when he had his first roll on a bed and in the garden. At times when he's in his own little world, running about in the garden, you would almost think he was smiling!
Isaac is great in the car, travels really well, usually asleep. He is also just starting to realise that he should go to toilet outside.
Isaac could be homed with dog savvy cats but probably best not to be homed with small fluffies, his chasing instinct is very strong, even after pigeons.  It will take time before he could be let off the lead as he gets lost in the moment of the chase and gets very excited when he sees a bird etc.
He is becoming a very happy little boy and apart from his fear of being touched but with time, love and patience he will start to realised this is nothing to fear.

23-10-23 UPDATE

In the four months I've been fostering Isaac, he has come so far. He is being so brave and learning from every new experience. He is interested in every new noise, every new adventure and he is now, slowly, starting to enjoy life and trust which is lovely to see given he was a very scared boy.
Isaac gets all his confidence from other dogs, from the pack around him. Therefore, we are looking for a home for him that has more than one dog, the more the better. He's one of 5 dogs here and loves it, getting 25% confidence from each of them and, if parted and I try taking him out with just one, he can't function, feels vulnerable again and most certainly won't be at his happiest being one of only two dogs. Hence he needs to be part of a pack where he will continue to thrive and learn from his pack family and where he can do so safely and in his own time without feeling exposed as he would if he was one of two dogs.
Isaac has struggled being touched and although this is getting much better, getting a harness on him isn't easy at all and stresses him. Therefore an enclosed driveway is ideally needed, so he can jump safely into a car before putting it on him. This is the only place he seems comfortable with having his harness put on him.

So these are Issac's wishes:

  • A pack of dogs
  • Patient owners who will work with his worries
  • An enclosed driveway
  • Busy household.
  • Loads of outings out, he loves the car
  • Safe area walks that he can come straight out of and back into the car.

If you can offer Isaac what he needs, please do apply for him. You will be rewarded by seeing him continue to fulfil his potential which would be completed by being adopted by a happy multi dog family.

11-02-24 UPDATE

Isaac is been amazing since coming to us in June, he is making fantastic progress. He loves going out in the car and loves long walks, the muddier the better, although he doesn't yet seem to like the water or being towel dried after a walk, although he does let me do this.
He is very sociable and loves walks that involve meeting and playing with other dogs. He gets so excited he does zoomies. I can't stop smiling when I see this, what he has gone through and what he can do now. He just needs to understand what love is. He needs a home with a minimum of two dogs, as he likes to observe things and not get too involved yet. He currently lives with 4 dogs. He's got a healthy nervousness around cats now so won't bother them, although he would prefer to be homed without one, but if it's a kind cat, it wouldn't be a problem.
Isaac needs to be adopted by people who will understand that he doesn't always make sense with his nervousness and fear. Some days he is brave, then go a few hours the following day being really scared being in the same room as you, for what seems like not particular reason. It may take him a few more months, it may take his years before someone will be able to cuddle him, but its going to be an amazing feeling when he eventually does let someone.
Isaac is a beautiful boy and I want the perfect home for him. A place where hes allowed to share everything. The bed, the sofa, the holidays, the day outings, he deserves to have them all.  

23-04-24 UPDATE

Isaac needs very special people in his life. People that won't mind that he can't give anything back accept the occasional tail wag. He adores forest walks, running, being busy, food and being out and about in the car. His safe place is on my bed, so ideally, I would like a home where he is allowed everywhere. He loves being part of a bigger pack, so needs to be in a home with two or more dogs and only kind cats, as he is scared of them. Being touched isn't easy for him, so putting a harness on him is difficult and really stresses him, so does having his feet cleaned on muddy days. Both take him sometimes hours to get over, so please be aware that he is going to make very slow progress that could take years. But saying that, every step forward that Isaac takes, makes my heart smile and its so rewarding, he is trying so hard, and is a very clever boy.

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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