Welcome to Stable Chatter! Here our lovely staff who run our equine centre will write snippets of what is going on with our horses, ponies and donkeys, along with pleas for help and anything else that we think you might like to hear about or make you smile. If you would like to join one of our course or sponsor a horse, pony or donkey you'll find detail about how to so this-----------------------
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The final donkey was finally cleared by the vet as fit to travel and has arrived at Many Tears! She is yet to be named but is settling in so well and is already looking in much better condition than when she was first found. Floss, Dewi & baby Sennen are all available for adoption and you can find them HERE. Ideally we would love for the three of them to be homed together. Thank you so much for helping us to rescue these amazing animals, we are so grateful for all of your support and are so thrilled that they are now well on the way to health and happiness. If you have been following the story of our new rescue donkeys.. we have a new little face to introduce you to! Please visit this page if you are interested in adopting him. Please visit this page to find more information about how you can adopt her. The donkeys have had their first walking lesson and so far it has taken them half an hour to walk a two minute distance. As you can see it's going to take a bit of time to help them learn all about walking but we are sure they will soon get there! Thank you to everyone who suggested names for our lovely new Donkeys! They have now all chosen their own names and we are thrilled to introduce to you Jess, Aubree, Florry & Dewi! Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to helping them so far - we are so extremely grateful for your support and will keep you all updated with how they are progressing! Here is a little update on our new donkeys that you have helped to rescue. We have some good news! Following on from our very sad post earlier this week.. four donkeys and a pony have arrived at Many Tears! Please watch this video to see how they are getting on. Unfortunately, it wasn't all good news. There was another pony with them who we were asked to help but unfortunately it was too late to save her and we are devastated to let you know that she sadly passed away. There is also one remaining donkey who we are desperate to bring to Many Tears to reunite with her friends but unfortunately she is too sick to travel at the moment. We are paying for her vet care and hope there is good news and we can bring her here soon. Thank you SO much to everyone who very kindly donated and enabled us to bring these four donkeys and Parsley the pony to safety. We couldn't have done it without your support! Although they are now safely at Many Tears, as you can see they are in urgent need of veterinary treatment and farrier attention and the bills will be mounting up for them. Thank you so much for your support! We were made aware that there were 2 donkeys who have been left abandoned in the cold and in such a terrible state and were asked to help. We agreed to take them but then found out there were actually 4 donkeys and a small pony. We would really like to be able to help them all, bring them to safety and give them the love they deserve, so if you would like to make a donation to help us rescue these poor souls we would be really grateful. If you have a child who would be interested in attending, please visit our Into The Light Courses page! Rescue Horse Meet and Greet at Many Tears Animal Rescue “True friendship is sitting in silence and feeling like it was the Come and spend the afternoon with our herd of incredible rescue horses and donkeys. Tea, coffee and biscuits along with plenty of seating will be provided! The first session of our October pony club - we had loads of fun with the ponies practicing leading skills and hanging out with the herd! 20-03-24 TWO HAPPY ENDINGS AND A NEW ARRIVAL
It has been a busy couple of weeks here at Many Tears Equestrian!
Our donkey mums Aubrey and Jessie went off to their new home together. We wish them well and are sure they will have the best life being spoiled.
We have also taken in a new arrival, a beautiful little shetland. She has come to us underweight, possibly due to a dentistry issue, and full of matted hair. Besides that she is a confident little thing and seems to have settled in well already. We shall keep you updated on her progress! 09-10-23 GROWING DONKEYS AND KARMA GOES HOME!
The baby donkeys are growing fast and are really enjoying the couple of hours out in the field they are getting daily. Donkeys coats are not waterproof so we only put them out if the weather is dry. Otherwise they have a large covered yard and stable that they hang out in. Karma had had all the checks and tests and is ready to head off for her 6 week trial in her new home. We were sad to see her go but wish her all the best and hope everything goes well for this beautiful girl. Good luck Karma! 07-05-23 RUE IN HER NEW HOME
Our wonderful Rue, who was originally found dumped on a mountain before she came to Many Tears has found her happily ever after! We are thrilled to see how well she is doing in her new home! 07-05-23 UPDATE ON OUR DONKEYS
Here is an update on some of our beautiful donkeys! 22-04-23 BABY SENNEN HAS THE ZOOMIES!
This might be the cutest video you will see all week! Baby Sennen our little donkey having the time of her life having zoomies in the sunshine! 15-04-23 AN UPDATE ON SOME OF OUR HORSES & PONIES
Here is an update on some of the horsesand ponies here at the rescue centre!
Rue & Valley are both doing really well and are ready to find their forever homes. If you think you could offer either of them a lovely home please visit their profiles to find out more information about them.
Little Parsley is settling in and doing really well too. He isn't quite ready for adoption yet, but we will keep you updated on him!
Guajiro one of our resident horses has had a lovely day too and had a groom from a lovely volunteer! 08-04-23 PARSLEY UPDATE
Parsley has been around the rescue meeting some of the resident dogs and ponies! 08-04-23 VALLEY UPDATE
Valley has continued being introduced to new experiences here and is doing very well. He was tried out in the field on his own but wasn't a big fan of this! 07-04-23 MEET SENNEN!
When our new donkeys arrived with us a few weeks ago, we realised that all three females were unfortunately pregnant. This morning, Sylvia woke up to a wonderful surprise - a baby donkey!
Floss has given birth to a beautiful little foal who Sylvia's grandaughter has named Sennen, after Sennen Cove in Cornwall. Isn't she absolutely adorable?
We will keep you posted with regular updates over the coming weeks. Thank you so much to everyone who helped us rescue them, which has enabled Floss to give birth in a safe, clean and loving envioment. 04-04-23 VALLEY
Valley is still looking for his forever home. Please watch this video to find out all about him and the kind of home he is looking for. 04-04-23 RUE
Rue is still looking for her forever home and is just as sweet as candy. She is doing really well here and is so ready to find her forever home. She would like a home where there is another pony to be her friend. 04-04-23 EQUINE UPDATE
In this video, Sylvia updates us on the new donkeys and takes us to meet some of the equines who are at the rescue at the moment! 01-04-23 DONKEYS FIRST WALK!
Please watch their video to take a sneaky peek of how they are settling into their new home here at the Rescue.
The donkeys are receiving the care they need, thanks to you but it is a long road and they need a lot of medical attention to help them get well... and we do need to add some ginger biscuits to our shopping list this week!
Please help us to continue to help them and the friends that had to stay behind as they were not well enough to travel.
We will do another exciting announcement later to let you know what they have been named!
Thank you so much for your support! 25-03-23 UPDATE ON THE DONKEYS
Thank you so much for your kindness 21-12-22 OUR NEW ARRIVAL
Yesterday we had a new pony arrive. She is a very sweet pony who was dumped on a mountain with another mare who sadly didn’t make it. She is in foal but also very underweight. We are giving her lots of love and we can already see that she is such a lovely pony. She is yet to be named but we will let you know once she has one! 12-12-22 HAPPY DECEMBER
Happy December everyone! We had a very cold kids club at the yard today! Just one more session of the year!
When you’re cold .. hug a pony! 15-11-22 IT'S TIME TO WORM OUR HORSES
It's time for the horses to be wormed! We worm the horses each season as there are different types of worms the horses can get at different times of the year.
We offered Guajiro some herbs for him to self select from today. In the wild, horses self-medicate when they need to, as they have an innate knowing of what plants their body needs to support them. We make sure our horses have the opportunity to play out this natural behaviour and choose the herbs they need. Guajiro unfortunately has melanomas, which have been treated with chemotherapy but are still present in his system and will be for the rest of his life. It was very interesting seeing him drawn towards the marigold flowers, which help to support the lymphatic system, and the barley grass, which supports the nervous system. 01-11-22 KARMA'S FIRST RIDE OUT & QUARREL HELPING
We've had a busy week here at May Tears Equestrian! All out horses are now in for the winter as the fields have turned into a mud bath with all the rain! We are working hard to make sure all our horses are happy and had an awesome session with our teenagers this week which included working on connection building with Guajiro through learning about round penning and join up which is where a horse decides it's better to be with a human that not. 17-10-22 SYLVIA AND GUAJIRO
Sylvia riding her lovely boy Guajiro! What a great team they are! 11-10-22 KARMA IS BEING AWESOME!
Karma being awesome! Her third time being ridden by us and she was not bothered at all! We started working on leg pressure to ask her to go forward, as well as pressure on the halter to ask her to turn her head. She is so clever and picked it up to quickly! 11-10-22 A BEAUTIFUL MORNING
It's a beautiful morning here at the yard. Fire, Karma and Quarrel are enjoying the sun! 10-10-22 MONDAY HOME-ED KIDS CLUB
Fun at our Monday home-ed kids clubs today! We gave Kenny lots of fuss and attention and then did some painting, where we made some signs for our new stables! 05-10-22 Rescue Horse Meet & Greet Event on Fri 28th October
Friday 28th October, 12pm-2pm
best conversation you’ve ever had.”
Our equines all have their own unique stories, they have all been through hardships,
and some have experienced tremendous pain and fear – yet they still have
so much love to give. Being in their presence can change your whole
perspective on life; we have as much to learn from them as they do from us.
So come along and meet these amazing animals, and learn something about yourself.
by an adult and be supervised at all times while on the premises.
choosing if you’d like to attend. Please book via the link below. 05-10-22 KARMA BEING AWESOME
Karma being awesome, this is her second time being sat on by us and she didn't bat an eyelid!
Reno having his morning groom and pamper session! 03-10-2022 OCTOBER PONY CLUE & RENO
Reno loves to drink straight from the hose!