

Hannah Status: Available

ID: 38483

Name: Hannah

Breed: Boxer Cross

Age: 7 Years

Gender: Female

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: In Foster in
Ammanford, United Kingdom

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

12-02-24 Hannah has come to us from a breeder to find her forever home and initially arrived with us in July. She was absolutely terrified of everything and everyone. She did everything she could to try and get us humans to leave her alone.
Over the 8 months that she's been here she has made huge progress, and although it may not seem much as she is still a very scared girl, the strides she has made are huge. Hannah now walks on lead, and likes to sniff her surroundings, providing everything is quiet and there's no distractions. She also will allow us to approach and handle her with little to no fuss.
In the past month or so, Hannah has started to play with toys, and even play with me in the yard! This is absolutely massive as it shows how she is relaxing. Her personality is just starting to peek through, and I think she has progressed all she can in such a busy environment.
Hannah has also gained 2.2kg since arriving. In kennels, such a stressful environment for these dogs, this is amazing weight gain!
Although Hannah has made huge progress, she is still a very scared and very flighty girl. She will actively avoid you, constantly seek reassurance in her kennel friend, and sometimes can regress if she has had a particularly stressful event happen, eg. a vet trip.
Considering this, any potential adopters must be prepared for Hannah to regress in the first few weeks of taking her home. She will be best to be left alone initially, to work things out with the help of the resident dog. She will need lots of love in the form of patience, to reassure her that she is safe.
Hannah is a really special girl, and when I see her playful relaxed side come out I really see the potential she has. I think she'll make an amazing addition to the right home, and whoever gets to witness her blossom will be so lucky.
Hannah's adopters would need to seriously consider all safety aspects, like double leading, ensuring Hannah is safely behind a barrier/second door before opening the front door in the house.
Hannah needs a calm and quiet, adult only, cat free home, with a secure garden, with a confident and playful resident male dog, her size or larger. Experience with scared ex-breeding dogs would also be ideal.

05-03-24 UPDATE

9 months Hannah has been here, and now her cheeky and fun personality is starting to shine through. She loves playing with rubber toys in the kennel and she loves playing with me in the yard, if I crouch down really small and pat the floor she gets super silly, it's so so sweet to see, this is now a daily occurrence, every time I go to get in her from the yard!
She's a gorgeous girl who just needs someone super patient who will understand that she may regress when she gets home but I'm sure her progress will flourish once she's in a quieter environment with structure and routine. She is mostly clean in her kennel, even overnight, so I think once she's settled in a home toilet training will become second nature to her!

11-04-24 UPDATE

Hannah is such a beautiful lady. She really needs to find her forever home now she has been here way too long. Her progress has been slow but she is getting there, within the last few months she has been playing more in the kennel and in the yard and will play bow to me when I'm in the yard with her. She is so good with her kennel friend Carter and they go on daily walks together, she wears a harness when going on walks but she lets you put it on quite easily. She is slowly but surely getting braver with humans so she'll need people who will have the time to spend and work with her and please be patient with her as we don't want her to take any steps back. A quiet home is preferred, and as previously stated she does really try to be kennel clean so toilet training should be quite easy for her. If you think you could give Hannah a quiet, loving home then please come and meet her, kennel life is no life for any dog.

20-04-24 UPDATE

Here is a video of Hannah with some freedom in a large secure yard. As you can see she depends on her kennel friend very much. This is her 4th visit to this yard and she has gotten used to it much quicker than I thought she would. I just thought it might be nice for people to see that she isn't as scared when she's out and about, she is still scared but not as bad, she is a lot more shut down in the kennel, I think due to the noise and chaos of the dogs in kennels around her.

21-04-24 UPDATE

Oh Hannah how are you still here?! I have worked on and off with her for a couple of months now and the progress she’s made is amazing, she used to be petrified of everything but she’s really starting to come out of her shell. Her full time carer has given her so much love and patience which has helped her start to learn that humans can be kind. That’s all she needs in life!
She walks so well on lead, and now when I take her out she’s actually starting to enjoy herself and have lots of sniffs, rather than worry about about her surroundings. She has some really cute moments where will bounce around and play bow in the yard, showing us there is a goofy personality hidden in there, but ultimately kennel life is loud and chaotic and she’s hoping for a quiet life. During the show arounds where people can come in to see our dogs, all the other dogs are very loud so she hides in the back, making her so easily overlooked. But if you spend time with her you’ll realise she just wanted to be loved.

19-05-24 UPDATE

Hannah Hannah Banana!
I can confirm Hannah prefers warm sun rather than winter! This past week I've noticed little changes in Hannah, which amount to big steps for her! She's relaxed enough to choose to sleep out the front of the kennel. She came and had a chin scratch this week too. And she now trusts me enough that she stays asleep while I potter around by her, while yes this has taken 10 months, it is still a very big deal for a scared lady like her.
Hannah is really starting to enjoy her walks and has been going for 40 minutes walks (early so it's not too hot) with one of our experienced volunteers. When I take her for a walk once we are far enough away from the noise of the centre she relaxes, has a happy waggy tail, wants to sniff every sniff she can, and even comes to me for a fairly long fuss. I just think Hannah needs a calm environment and she will thrive. She needs someone confident to take a chance on her. I guarantee you wouldn't regret it, she is such a special girl.

14-06-24 UPDATE
Hannah’s long time kennel mate was adopted recently, and though she misses her friend, she has settled in with a new male dog, and as you can see from their photo, she has made friends quickly .. Hannah finds so much comfort in doggy friends, she will most definitely need a kind, calm resident dog to help her learn about life in her forever home,to bring out her playful side i just know is there underneath her nervous exterior.
Hannah is very slow to trust new people and it’s definitely a hurdle for her, but since working with her, bit by bit, she has started to come out of her shell with me - I know this is a big deal for her, and I’m honoured she is sharing that with me. Hannah is such a sweet girl and when you see her personality shine through it’s so heart warming. As well as finding comfort in her kennel friends, Hannah though shy,  has started to show enjoyment during her play dates with another dog in the rescue. Hannah isn’t asking for much, just a loving home that will not let her down, one that has a kind and calm resident dog she can follow and cuddle up to for comfort.

04-07-24 UPDATE

Hannah has shocked me with just how resilient she is. How much she just adapts. She stresses for a little but then just accepts whatever new thing she's scared of and is fine. I brought Hannah home to foster on Sunday (5 days ago) and she was stressed, panting and pacing for a few hours, but once she settled, she settled really well!
Hannah was terrified of the TV when I first turned it on, so I turned the volume right down and let her adjust. Within an hour or 2 she was napping with it on with the volume up!
My dog is a lone ranger and prefers to be alone, Hannah is constantly seeking reassurance and even a snuggle from him. She copies everything he does and mirrors him. At the moment my dog is tolerating this but Hannah needs a resident dog that will snuggle with her, allow her to be joined at their hip, and show her the ropes.
On Monday Hannah worked out how to get up on the sofa. She snored the whole day away once she discovered the sofa and she practically hasn't left it since! She lives for cosy!
I haven't taken Hannah for any walks with my dog yet as she is finding coming back and forth to kennels on days that I work quite stressful, I don't want to add any more stress to her at the moment while she's still learning the routine. She is a very scared girl and needs a lot of patience. I have however been leaving Hannah at home when I take my dog for a walk and she is absolutely fine with this- she snoozes the time away and doesn't seem to mind being left at home. The longest I've left her is an hour and a half.
When I first brought Hannah home I kept her on lead in the garden for the first 3/4 times we went out so that she would learn the routine of going out and coming back in; so she wouldn't get in a panic and knew where to go to feel safe. I also just walked her around a few laps each time so she could get accustomed to it all safely. Now she runs out, does her business, has a sniff around, and then follows my dog inside. I would not leave the door open for her to choose as I don't think she would come in optionally. We have had no toileting accidents since she arrived, she has been a super star with this!
My house is open plan so my only way of seperating the dogs is a XL crate. Hannah is a super star with the crate and will just sleep whenever she's in there. I haven't needed to use it much, but when I have she doesn't mind it at all.
Hannah follows me around the house and garden at my heels but if I turn around and look at her she will cower and scurry away from me. She does however know her name as "nana!" And comes when I call her out to the garden or around the house.
Hannah is far away from wanting any affection or physical attention as it stands right now. She sort of just wants to be background noise; just left to settle and to her own devices. In time I think she may want a fuss as I do see her edging closer when I fuss my dog, but she may take a while with this.
It's nice for Hannah to learn the basics of home life with me as she does trust me, but I want her forever home to appear now, so she can get well and truly settled into her forever. If you have been keeping an eye on Hannah's profile but wasn't sure whether to apply, this is me asking you to take the leap! Once she is accustomed to the environment she is easy as anything!

08-07-24 UPDATE

Yesterday was 1 week since I took Hannah home, and 1 year since she arrived at Many Tears as this terrified shut down girl. 
This week in foster with me she has been making the most of the quiet and has been catching up on her sleep after a year in a kennel environment!
On Saturday evening I had my first visitor since she's been here. I separated her and told the visitor to totally ignore her. She was very scared for the first 15/20 minutes of them being here, and then just curled up and went back to sleep.
On Sunday (yesterday) she was suddenly a different girl! She had a play in the garden, ate all of her meals through the day, did her number twos with no hesitance! And the biggest one of all, she enjoyed chin scratches off me!! This is absolutely huge for Hannah, a total first!
Hannah is making absolute strides here in foster, but it breaks my heart to have to bring her back and forth to kennels when I'm working again. I can see just how exhausted she is when we get home.
I need Hannah to find her permanent forever home now, so that she can well and truly settle and not have any more ructions in her routine and what she knows.

15-07-24 UPDATE

Hannah's been with me for 2 weeks in foster! And she is loving home life. Duvets, cosy, warm, quiet. She's such a sweetheart and I can't believe she's still not had much interest. We went for 1 walk in the week and even though she did sniff around and enjoy all the smells, I think she'd prefer to just be a sofa girl to be honest, for now at least. She still has a little bit more weight to put on too!
Yesterday I had to go out with my dog and Hannah was left home alone for 4 hours, I checked in on my doggycam and she just slept the entire time!
Hannah was completely clean in the house for the first 10 days she was here but as she's gotten more comfortable she has had a few accidents here and there, though now she goes straight to the puppy pads which is super clever of her!
I'd love to wave Hannah off to her forever home asap, as it's nice that she's settling at home with me, but coming into kennels every day that I'm at the centre and then knowing she's going to have to do this all again and readjust when the time comes is a hard thought!
Like I've said in previous updates, she just wants to be background noise, she doesn't want much attention paid to her and doesn't want a fuss, she would just like her own spot on the sofa and a cosy duvet! Sometimes it's easy to forget she's here, apart from the snoring!
Poor baby deserves her happy ever after now!  

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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