

Horatio Status: Available

ID: 39330

Name: Horatio

Breed: British Bulldog

Age: 9 Years

Gender: Male

Adoption Fee: See below

Location: In Foster in
Risca, Caerphilly

If you are interested in adopting a dog that does not say it can be homed with a cat and wish us to cat test please let us know and we will be happy to do this.

29-09-2023 Horatio is a very special little lad who has arrived here underweight so we will be building him up gradually.  He is a confident boy who sits in his own little world watching everything that's going on around him.  Horatio is inquisitive and a well rounded boy.  We think he may have lived in a home at some time in his life as he know how to sit and is especially good at this for food!   Horatio gets on well with other dogs and could either share his home with others or be an only dog.  However he cannot live with cats.  Horatio knows how to walk on a lead but may need help with house training although it shouldn't take him long to pick this up if he needs to learn.  He has an undershot jaw, has had a few extractions and may need further extractions in the future, which wouldn't be covered by insurance. He has also had a few epuli (benign growths) removed from his mouth by our vet.  If you can offer him the special home this boy really deserves please put in an applications.  Horation has a PETS travel document.

28-12-23 UPDATE
Horatio has been with me a few months now and has his paws firmly under the table!! He’s had a lovely Christmas, been to the pub, winter wonderland, the beach and been spoiled with presents but would like best of all a home of his own.
He’s house trained, although if it’s raining needs persuasion to go outside he’d rather just hold it! Sleeps through the night, can be left for a few hours, travels well in the car and loves walks!! As soon as he sees you pick up his lead he’s bouncing. This energy level drops rapidly when actually on a walk and he would rather mooch along at a snails pace but he will happily do this for a few hours. He’s great with all dogs and completely non reactive to any anti social behaviour. He does like to say hello to people (no jumping involved) so will veer into the middle of a group of people walking towards you but generally everyone finds this adorable.
His main vice is food. He’s improved massively and we can now eat infront of him without fear of him stealing our plate and it’s entire contents in one swift ninja move however he does snatch treats, and he’s fast. For this reason alone he wouldn’t be suitable to live with small children, although he does love them and gravitates towards them on walks. You can take his bowl off him when eating etc, he’s not food aggressive he just has limited manners and lots of enthusiasm.
Don’t overlook this boy because of his age. He’s honestly a lovely lovely dog with loads of life left in him and seems very well bred with none of the usual bulldog problems.

01-03-24 UPDATE

Horatio is sadly still with me and has settled into our home life completely. He continues to enjoy his slow walks around the park, beach or wherever we take him. He loves a good sniff and watching the world go by, but he’s also very inquisitive!! Has met dogs of all shapes and sizes and temperaments with no problems at all, and has proven to love kids and gravitates towards them, although I am careful as his manners around food are still very poor.  He travels beautifully in the car, we went to Birmingham for lunch last weekend (2 hours each way) and he was impeccably behaved both enroute and in the pub, (there was even some discussion about keeping him and returning my two resident dogs who weren’t as good!!)
In the home he loves sleeping cuddled up to either one of my resident dogs or me, watching the world go by out of the window and checking what we’re doing in the kitchen. If he wants our attention he will get it by bashing the coal scuttle, his way of either asking to go out or letting us know it’s dinner time!!  He loves chewing on cow horns and also is quite partial to a cardboard box!!

I am hoping his perfect home is out there waiting for him, he is an older boy but he makes a lovely companion, and has so much personality he will always brighten up your day.
18-06-24 UPDATE 

Horatio continues to be his calm happy self with us, he is absolutely food oriented as demonstrated when I apparently didn’t shut the porch door fully and my husband came home to discover his head in his bag of food and said it was trying to wrestle a crocodile to get him out of it! We learnt by this and bought a lockable plastic bin, this lasted two days. He chewed the handles off it and him and our other foster had a field day!! His food is now stored on top of the pizza oven!!
He’s become quite a keen gardener when it comes to roses, likes to dead head them, before they’re dead, and then spit the petals out! Very amusing to watch so long as you’re not sentimental about your roses which thankfully we’re not.
He has slowed down a bit on walks, some days he will walk as far as he needs in order to do his business and then turn for home, others he’ll walk a lot further but if you stop for a chat he will lie down and go to sleep.
We are considering getting him some wheels as he is always desperate to come with us whenever we go out but is so slow it’s not always practical to take him. He gives the best cuddles and continues to be a happy character who makes us laugh every day and is looking for a retirement home where he can be taken places to watch the world go by as that’s his absolute favourite thing to do.
24-09-24 UPDATE
Horatio has seen our vet and he has a superficial ulcer on his right eye which he is starting treatment for. The vets have also noted he has a slight entropian but will reassess if this is significant when they recheck him.
24-09-24 UPDATE

Horatio continues to be the confident gentleman he has always been, with his personality quirks amusing us daily. He loves a cardboard box, to sleep on and to destroy, he’s great for reducing the volume in your recycling bin!! His absolute favourite thing now however is going out in his foster Dad’s work van. He will run out of the front door with an impressive burst of speed if given the opportunity and try and get in it, and if it’s parked outside the house walking him is virtually impossible, he won’t go, we have on occasion resorted to just driving him around the block to make him happy!! He has been to work a few times and loves it and behaves impeccably (OK there was apparently one large deposit made in the parts department but we’ll gloss over that) he is absolutely blissfully happy watching the world go by from the van and after an 8 hour shift is exhausted!! Horatio has slowed down now and whilst he still enjoys going out it is on his terms and some days the end of the road is sufficient. He also cannot do staircases, he can go up and down a couple of steps and still jump on and off the sofa but will not go upstairs. He loves a cuddle in the evenings and would love a home who wants to take him places to watch the world go by (loves the pub!!) cuddle him in the evening and let him enjoy his retirement years.  

Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

PLEASE NOTE: We nearly always home dogs who have come from breeders where there is ALREADY A RESIDENT DOG living in the house. They have usually never lived in a house before and are only used to canine company. They usually get their confidence and learn faster with another dog to copy from. This also helps with house training and learning how to walk on a lead. They will make lovely pets but do need a lot of love, time and patience. If the ex breeding dog you are interested in can be an only dog it will say so in its write up. Please read our information on ADOPTING EX-BREEDING DOGS before you apply.

 If your application is successful you will be home checked and you, all members of your family and any dog(s) who will be living with the dog MUST come to meet the dog you want to adopt. All our dogs are micro-chipped, have had at least their first inoculation and are spayed/neutered unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. You must have a safe means of transporting the dog home in a crate or if this is not possible please discuss with Many Tears or the Fosterer when your application is being processed.


Please read our adoption procedures before applying and then complete the adoption form.





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