Guajiro is a very handsome Andalusian who loves to gallop as fast as he can but is not so keen on having a bath when he gets muddy
Guajiro was left at a property in Spain and Many Tears were asked if we would take him on. He is a really special horse and when he arrived Sylvia had no idea what he could or couldn't do but he turned out to be the most knowing, loving horse ever.

Guajiro has helped Sylvia carry on through the most difficult times. Whenever she goes and cuddles him, he seems to sense her mood and gives her the strength she needs to carry on. Sylvia says Guajiro knows her better than she knows herself and he is the most honest and fantastic horse who has learnt all sorts of things since being at Many Tears and because he can read body language so well he's very good at round penning.

Guajiro has melanomas which are very common in older grey horses and although we have treated them a number of times with surgery, he got some internally and these have been treated with chemotherapy. This is not very pleasant but we are hoping alleviate some of the "bulk" and although this won't cure it we are hopeful that it will help Guajiro.

Guajiro is like the grandad to all the other horses at Many Tears and is a very special boy.

Guajiro needs frequent health checks for his melanomas and his teeth are regularly checked by the equine dentist. The farriers comes every 6 weeks to trim his hooves and of course like all our other horses he loves a carrot or pony nuts as a treat.

You can sponsor Guajiro for £6.00 a month and will receive a photograph of him and 3 updates a year in April, August and Decemberx

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