Happy Endings - May 2024
It will be Dora's 13th Birthday next week. She was MTAR Bonny adopted 3rd October 2013. Last week on a break in N. Wales she met up with "cousin" Ruby (MTAR Elkie Brooks). I thought Sylvia would like to see them enjoying each other's company in the sunshine and the close up of adorable Dora, slightly frosty faced, looking good for her age! She is the dearest little soul.
We picked her up on the 8th April, and she will have been with us 6 weeks on Monday. I can honestly say she has settled in wonderfully, and has become the best little sister to our older girl, Lottie, who was really sad following the passing of our old boy in March. Lottie finally has a smile on her face again, as does Mabel! She’s come so far in such a short time. She was very scared when we got her, but every single day she achieves another milestone. She’s definitely embraced cuddles. She’s met family, friends, the post man, the vets, the groomer… and kisses them all on the nose and wags her bum (and whole body) so much. She’s been clean in the house from day one, a good girl in the car (just in her harness and seat belt) and her training is coming on beautifully. She will be starting obedience and sniff classes in the summer once she’s been with us a little longer. She’s picking up the basic training and recall really well and seems super clever so suspect she will love it.
A huge moment for us came around 4 weeks ago - the lead was a huge scare for her. I spent hours practicing with the lead on and off with chicken and every treat I could find. We have a 1.2 acre paddock on our front and I finally managed to carry her into it and take a few steps around there with her lead on. The next day she walked on and just sat with me for an hour just looking around, by the next day we did 3 laps …. The final day I let her off lead and she discovered the joy of running! I have the best video of her first run zooming past almost laughing and smiling. I’ve never seen a dog run so fast.
She now spends her days with me mainly (as I work from home), laying in the sunshine, running in the paddock round and round and then having lovely long lead walks when daddy gets home. She’s my shadow. She discovered the joy of bones and treats, brushes and sofa surfing all day for naps.
She’s fell in love with her Nannan and grandad and will be going on day trips and sleepovers to start building her confidence for when they dog sit in due course. She’s been truly a wonderful girl, more than we could have imagined. It’s such a transformation when you compare her to how she was.
Mabel and Lottie tell me they would like another brother and sister but we are trying to wait a little while until Mabel’s fully settled in. Thank you all for all you do down at the rescue and for entrusting us with Mabel (previously cockle). See you all soon for our next MT baby.