Happy Endings - August 2023


Tiggy ( MT Lily) has been on holiday! We were going camping locally and since Tiggy has been making progress I thought it may benefit her to take her out of her "comfort zone". She did get a bit stressed the first day with travelling in the car but settled down after a walk and a few "sniffs" that relaxed her. I took a crate ( Tiggy is used to a crate and uses it as a safe place at home) so I could put her in there to have some "me time" and relax. The first day I was a bit concerned as Tiggs didn't seem to be pooping/weeing but added extra water to her feed, absolutely nothing wrong with her appetite and the problem resolved itself later that first day! It may have been as she was constantly on a lead but she has " been" on the lead at home...probably just overwhelmed. Tiggy absolutely loved the extra walks..meeting other dogs with good manners and even didn't seem that bothered about "big" humans unless they were particularly scary. At night she slept in the tent with me and two foster sisters...she even seems to be cuddling up closer to me now and accepts the morning greeting of a tickle under the chin. This beautiful girl is still on the journey but is progressing really well considering what she was like when I first picked her up. There are still issues of course to deal with...Tiggy is still a flight risk so this is a priority in her needs, she is also still marking soft furnishings etc and needs to be "cornered" quietly, calmly and with lots of sensitivity to put her harness on. I think one of the major breakthroughs we have had is Tiggy is beginning to like to have attention, she likes a chin or back scratch, I think she will be a girl will like a cuddle. Tiggy's confidence is continuing to grow!


Our lovely Sookie was one of the seven ‘Harrier’ hound pups that found their way to ‘Many Tears’ a year or so ago and the first of the pups to find a new “best life” with us and her new sister (…and partner in crime) our small terrier named: ‘Mrs Moo’.
Sookie was an extremely shy and timid puppy when we finally got her home and it took a day or two for her true personality to come through. A personality that has not only captured our hearts but the hearts of almost everybody she comes across. That cautious, nervous little dog slowly grew into a playful, happy, mischievous and loving member of our family.
Sookie LOVES fellow dogs! I mean she is 100% a ‘dogs dog’. She thinks everyone is her best friend and constantly seeks playmates and praise. Sookie doesn’t seem to have a bad bone in her body and will constantly seek reassurance from us if she feels unsure or nervous. Like I’ve mentioned before; we had never heard of the Harrier breed before we considered choosing Sookie and every day is a learning curve.
Harriers are exceptionally clever, sociable, energetic and above everything else Harriers are LOUD! I had seriously never heard a dog make a noise like Sookie does before having her. It’s a mixture between a howl and a scream. I could type forever about Sookie and I’ll update again in a year or so.
I thank Many Tears so much again for bringing Sookie into our lives and I can guarantee Sookie is ‘definitely’ living her “best life” as she was told to do.
Chris Evans


Hi Many Tears just wanted to say a big Thank you for allowing us to adopt Benji. Three weeks ago we were arriving in Wales very excited in knowing that Sunday morning we were having our meet and greet. After arriving at your rescue we were so emotional when he was carried through to us. My son held him first and and it was an instant bond.
Benji from the 6 hour journey home which you slept all the way to three weeks on where we are now able to take you on little walks/puppy classes you have been a superstar. Everyone who meets you falls in love. We can’t wait to enjoy lots of adventures with you and see you grow into a big boy. So pleased we found this rescue and we will def be back. Here are a few pics from the last three weeks of our gorgeous boy????
Michelle Phillips


She continued to bond with Monty on the journey home, through the crate bars. They quickly became inseparable and we are sure that helped her to settle so swiftly. She surprised us with her quickly growing confidence around people and dogs which we expect is testament to her time at Many Tears. She has responded well to some basic training, has put on some weight and her coat has grown out. Her and Monty play for hours each day, despite us all burning through plenty of steps a day! Of course it hasn't all been plain sailing, but this is her happy home now and we are blessed to have her. We've included a few pictures. Feel free to share with the team. Monica and Iain Palk


Lucy and Cerys (Biscoff) 3 years on. Always together and still finding new adventures. It's wonderful to see how 2 scared little dogs have become so confident and affectionate. Lucy definitely a bossy boots with Cerys by her side! Thank you all for your hard work and effort with all your rescues.
Best wishes Les and Christine Sandham

We adopted Timmy in December from his wonderful Many Tears fosterer. It was a complete pleasure to see him settle and relax day by day. He is now a good weight and he no longer tries to steal food! We only lost one loaf of bread when he took it from the shopping bag without anyone noticing. \\\\\\
He loves being pampered and groomed and loves his walks in the fields with our Springer, he is just a gorgeous big bouncy bundle of fun. He is a joy to cuddle and has learned from our springer how to steal socks from the washing basket! He chases balls in the garden and sleeps on the sofa or in his bed in my bedroom.
Thank you Many Tears for putting your trust in us and allowing us to adopt our lovely Timmy


Carys previously Imogen has been with us since 27th July. Initially very scared the first evening but once the food came out she came to find us in the kitchen, Carys didn’t sleep much the first night as I suppose everything was strange to her and we just left her to explore the house and the garden which she absolutely loved, so far no accidents in the house in fact she goes to the door to be let out, has managed to go through the dog flap but not mastered coming back in but I don’t think it will be long before she gets there. Carys has had to go to the vets last week for her registration to the practice and unfortunately for her the vet checked her out and she has two ear infections, nothing was there when we picked her up and the vet seems to think it was a change of her routine that possibly triggered it but she has turned the corner now being back to normal and goes back on Thursday to have a check up. Carys has become a very loving and cwtchy Cocker Spaniel and has learnt already to put her paw on your arm if you stop tickling her. We have had visitors from the family and met her cousins yesterday Lisa and Hera and they all had a cwtch together which was beautiful to see. Carys loves her walks and once she hears the lead coming out of the cupboard is waiting eagerly by the back door, she has met so many people and dogs and thrives on contact from both but most of all loves Bran MT Billy, she looks up to him and he has been brilliant with her. Carys would like to thank all the staff that looked after her whilst at Many Tears as I am sure she misses your hugs and kisses. She will visit shortly to see you all as I make beds for all the dogs in Many Tears and need to drop some off.


Hello Sarah and to everyone at Many Tears, I am writing to let you know something of Fonzo’s progress. He is doing wonderfully. As you know he is always good-natured, and affectionate and very intelligent, and he is responding well to training.
We think we have him reliably toilet trained, he sleeps in his crate in the bedroom at night so that he isn’ t alone. He is happy to get into the crate and doesn’t make a sound all night. He treats the crate as a retreat during the day sometimes too, though he has beds all over the house.
He has had a pretty active time since he came to live with us, and has coped with it all very well. I took him to see my daughter, Alexandra, and Amira (her 3 year old and incredibly active and all-over-you rescue dog) in the South Downs. We stayed for a few days over last weekend and we will be going on another holiday with them in the New Forest at the end of August. Fonzo adapted quite quickly and he easily stood up to Amira’s somewhat over-enthusiastic greetings.
We had a long journey there and back, mainly due to road works everywhere, but Fonzo is now perfectly ok in the car so he wasn’t a problem. To try to ensure a sense of stability, he went everywhere I went - including going out to restaurants with us. Fonzo is so patient, that he behaved very well. After attending the 90th birthday party I told you about, he then went to another, much more boisterous party and again he was the perfect gentleman.
Thankfully, he can hold his own with other dogs, and has an amazing turn of speed when off the lead - as he was on two occasions while we were there, in an dog-safe enclosed field. There he raced around with Amira and another dog chasing each other and, in the case of the other two also chasing a ball. Fonzo clearly couldn’t see the point of the ball, but joined in the chase at great speed anyway. He is wonderful when I call him, but not so good when others do, so we are not yet letting him off the lead when we are out. I’m just not sufficiently confident of his recall in all circumstances.
Fonzo has been to an agility class and did well over the jumps but was a little frightened by some of the other equipment, though he is a quick learner and I’m sure he is going to excel at agility and really love it. I am sending some photos taken on the very first day of his arrival here, immediately after he was rescued from his cage and the car. He was amazingly laid back though, when faced with entering the house, he didn’t seem keen on that idea at all. Needless to say he is now completely used to it, and that didn’t take long.
All in all, he is an absolute delight. We are so thrilled with him and so very grateful that you entrusted him to our care. He did ask for special woofs to be sent to Lori even though she insisted on bathing him on his last day.
All for now and I will send the pics via a separate email
Best wishes and a hundred thousand thank yous to you all,
Patricia and Tony


Gia, now Grace, and Ginger, now Ginny, adopted 10 days ago, are settling wonderfully well into their new home in E. Devon. Thanks to foster mother, Virginia, Grace walks beautifully on the lead, loves all the dogs she meets, has got used to farm traffic and the 2 buses that rumble up our village street, and the kissing gates that frightened her so much. She is a very sweet, affectionate and calm little dog and follows me everywhere. She likes a game with a tennis ball and is starting to collect them, and toys, in her bed.
Ginny, our blind Cocker was very, very scared and wouldn’t come near us, but now I can stroke her all over, rub her dry and put her harness on and off, with no fuss, as long as she is in her bed. She will take a treat very gently from my hand instead of snatching it. She soon mapped out the small, lower garden and downstairs in our cottage, including steps. She likes being in the garden and, at first, didn’t want to come inside but now she comes when I call. The next adventure is to go up into the big garden! It is good to see her feeling more at home. She is such a sweetie!
Both dogs are foodies and love being in the kitchen. They are around my legs all the time, tails wagging furiously, great for confidence building! Billy, the cat, has bonded with them. He is very pleased to have canine company again! Grace and Ginny are just adorable and we can’t thank kind, patient, Virginia, and all of you at Many Tears, for letting us have such lovable companions and making our family complete.
Thank you so much, and for all the splendid work you do.
Very best wishes to you all
From Angela and Nick.


Firstly, I would like to thank Many Tears for rescuing Bobby (the toy poodle) who is now called Teddy, and for allowing us to adopt him. During June I was browsing through the dogs available on the Many Tears website, something I have always done, when I came across a gorgeous little toy poodle, I read his profile, it said he was 7 years old, had very few teeth, and had had a fractured jaw in the past. Also he could be an only dog, I applied, we went to meet him and that was it! Love at first sight, a match made in heaven, we needed him and he needed us. He is absolutely adorable, toilet trained, he has barked only twice, he has put on the weight he needed, (he loves chicken), lead training is good, although he just likes short walks. He travels well too, and at home he is a real lap dog. He is so happy here, he did a zoomie the other day! I think the real Teddy is emerging more every day. He is friendly to everyone he meets and they love him and he is happy to have a selfie with them in exchange for a cwtch!


We just wanted to share how well Indy and Macson (Mac) are doing in their new home. They are living their best lives together - both love their 3 walks a day and coming out on our boat along the river. They have made lots of local friends, dogs and humans and love all the cuddles they get from those that meet them. They have completely changed our lives for the better and we cannot imagine life without them now. They both had really tough starts but are happy settled and so much more confident now.
Thank you MTR We rescued Indy in March 2022 and Mac in February 2023.

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