Happy Endings - September 2023


Hi, My friend has recently adopted a beagle from you and it reminded me of the fact we adopted our little dog from you back around April 2010! It was a little parsons jack Russel (cross) puppy. I originally wanted her little sister but she had already been adopted (turned out great) Anyway... our little Izzy turned 13 this year and although she's getting old, is still so full of love. She absolutely loves fusses and treats and playing.
I just wanted to share some pictures of our Iz and the life she's had with us since adoption.
Thank you! Beth, Izzy and family x


We rescued Dottie on the last day in June 2023, Dottie was 3yrs old on the 10/06/23. I knew she was meant for us, as my sister Olive passed away on that date. Dottie was a nervous wreck when we picked her up. We had our resident dog Ruby with us. Both are C.K.C.S. After a 8.5 trip back home, Very tired and weary. We fed watered and settled the dogs. Dottie did not like being caged. So she took to the sofa in the kitchen, where she stayed most of the day. After 2 weeks she took to following Ruby everywhere, though still very wary of me and Paul. Week 4 Paul started to walk her around the garden on a harnessed lead. In August we had our daughters dog Rocky a Cockapoo. Who barks a lot, that's when Dottie found her voice! and she hasn't stopped since.. lol. We're now 12 weeks she comes to both of us, uses the cat flap. Had her first grooming session last month. Groomer said that Dottie was amazing. She has become Ruby's shadow. Followers her everywhere. Ohh I forgot to say we have Monty the cat as well. They all get along fine. Dottie's tail is growing back as well, as it was shaved off by the breeder. Dottie loves the freedom of the garden; we have 2 acres.. its lovely to see them running and chasing the butterfly's. Such a Beautiful girl.
Hope you enjoy the pics. Moira and Paul


So Betty is our first rescue, when we first saw her looking stuffy and had just been spayed the day before, of course she was looking very scared we didn't know what we were taking on but after a week she fell in love with me and me with her. She would come and sit beside me on the sofa, she loved running in the fields on a long training lead and absolutely loved it on the beach .It was only a couple of weeks and I let her run on her own with her staying with me and the other dogs at all times, it was like she really trusted me, she sits and waits until I say go with her food, she loves her rich tea biscuit when she goes to bed. Each night she sleeps in a big crate with 2 other dogs and when we say bed time she goes straight in and sleeps all night. It took longer for her to bond with my husband but now she loves him, she is so good and learns something new each week, the other dogs love her too.
I am really hoping to have another MT rescue soon as it just so rewarding to see them grow in confidence and see how happy she is.
Please rescue these beautiful dogs its so rewarding
Thank you many tears Tricia and Steve


Just wanted you to see how well Obi is doing one week on. He is such a gentle, beautiful boy who is really coming out of his shell.
Already going to toilet outside, has a lovely routine of eating, resting, playing and sleeping and repeating at least 3 times before a nighttime sleep.
Has walks in Daddy's arms to get used to outside smells around the lake and sea front. Already a star at the vets and has second jab next week so in a few weeks we can start going for proper little walks along with puppy classes. Even signed up for group Westie walks in the future so will be a busy boy.
In between he has a doggy stroller which again gets him out and this also goes on a bike so next year we can have more adventures further a field. Had a bath Friday and was an angel, who loved the towel rub most of all.
He loves snuggling up and showing the world his beautiful pink tum and his ears are also lovely and clean and pink.
I also attached a pic of our precious Jem who passed 4.5 years ago at age 13.5 but as you can see check out the ears, it was obviously meant to be
Much love
Jane, Jason and Obi x


Just wanted to let you know how little Eccles (was Kestrel) is getting on. He is such a superstar, in 3 weeks he's gone from a fearful pup to a stunning, clever, joyful boy who brings a smile to our faces everyday. He now goes and gets his harness and lead to go to the shop we own and for walks, he meets new people everyday with a waggy tail and loves playtime with his doggy friends in our grooming salon. Starts puppy classes next week, he comes when called but we're struggling with his basic commands as he is still a little hand shy but he's bright so he'll get there soon. Thank-you for letting us adopt this amazing little character, and for continuing your work to give these dogs a new life. Our little Daisy is learning to love her new bouncy brother and will allow him to lay close, she tells him off if he gets too playful but he follows her everywhere.


Jesse came to us in October 2018. We had no experience of Setters as we had Rottweilers previously (quite a change!). I did however do loads of research about the breed beforehand to ensure we would be the right sort of fit for her needs.
Nearly 5 years on and this little girl has totally transformed our lives. Whilst every dog you own is special in different ways, I do believe Jesse is a human in canine clothing and for me in particular, is my ‘heart dog’ ! She is so intelligent (making her easy to train), so wonderfully affectionate, and she makes us laugh every day with her cheekiness and her winning smile!
I have attached some pictures to show you just what being welcomed into a loving home can achieve and just how much these dogs deserve the chance of a new life. Jesse is a completely different dog to the dog we adopted and all that is down to Many Tears giving her the chance of a new life, her foster mum and dad who started her on her journey, and now living her best life in her forever home.
I can’t begin to express how much we love this little girl!


Hi everyone at Many Tears
These two are Darbee (previously Bertha Bee, adopted 2011 at 8 weeks old) and Buddy, now 10 years old, adopted 2016.
Darbee was very afraid of the world around her when we first adopted her but with kindness and patience, she learnt to love life. We adopted Buddy from Many Tears when we felt Darbee had enough confidence to accept another dog. We didn’t look back! With gradual introduction, they fell in love and looked out for each other. They made our pack complete.
We very sadly and suddenly lost Darbee to cancer in February 2023 and our lives were shattered. Buddy has helped us through the heart ache and continues to melt everyone’s heart who meets him; both human and dog alike.
Losing a dog is Earth shattering but we are comforted by the knowledge that she had such an amazing, fulfilled, happy life and knew she was loved unconditionally.
We have even organised our family holiday in Wales this October so we hope to find him a new doggy companion at Many Tears to fill the void our wonderful Darbee left.
Thank you Many Tears for all the amazing work you do.
Love from Glynnis, Callum, Evan and Isla


We picked this gorgeous cocker spaniel from Many Tears a year ago in September as a nervous 6 month old pup, there with his siblings as an unwanted litter. Our 2 older whippets looked after him from day 1 and, copying them ( and with the help of many cocktail sausages) he very quickly became champion of house training, stairs, garden and zoomies! He's a fantastic addition to our family and has given us so much love back. He loves his walks (more zoomies trying to keep up with our whippet), days out in the car and cuddles on the sofa. We feel very lucky he chose us. Thank you, Many Tears, for all the work you do. We will definitely adopt again in the future, meanwhile here's to many more years for us with this special boy.

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